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FEMA Assistance

Harris County Texas

Homeland Security and Emergency Management

FEMA dollars allow individuals and businesses to recover much quicker and is intended to support recovery efforts. FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program is designed to coordinate assistance provided to individuals, households, and businesses recovering from disaster or emergency impacts. After a disaster declaration, it is important that the affected individuals and businesses apply for financial aid though the FEMA process, including applying for a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. By applying for both, it keeps your options open for additional assistance. Everyone impacted should apply for both FEMA and SBA whether you think you qualify or not. Let FEMA be the one to tell you that you do not qualify.

The first step is for individuals and businesses needing assistance to register (apply) for FEMA assistance through the toll-free tele-registration hotline, available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency or online. The registration process only takes about 15–20 minutes. Before completing the application, it’s vital that you understand how to complete the application and that all required information is complete and accurate. FEMA requires that information from applicants for disaster assistance be complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed; and ultimately, denied.

To apply for FEMA Aid

Applicants will need the following to complete the registration:

Once you have registered, further assistance may be coordinated through a Disaster Recovery Center. Representatives of federal, state, local, and volunteer organizations are made available to help disaster applicants who are applying for assistance. Be sure to read all FEMA correspondence received from FEMA, and if asked for additional documentation or information, you must respond. If awarded FEMA assistance, it is important that you use the money as indicated in the letter you receive from FEMA. Applicants should document how they used disaster funds and retain these records, such as, receipts and invoices, for at least three years to ensure they are prepared if FEMA identifies their case for an audit. This will allow you to get additional assistance, if needed.

Everyone impacted should apply for both FEMA assistance as well as SBA. It could be your only source of assistance. Please note that FEMA Assistance is not considered income or a resource when determining eligibility for welfare, income assistance, or income-tested benefit programs that the Federal Government funds, such as Social Security benefits or disability income.