Harris County Texas Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Shelter in Place
Potential hazardous events that may occur in Harris County or surrounding areas requiring residents to shelter in place include:
- Airborne Chemical Hazard
- Close all outside doors and windows.
- If safe to do so, turn off A/C and air handling systems.
- Move away from outside windows and doors, as well as air ducts and ventilation systems.
- Violent Criminal Action:
- Lock and barricade doors.
- Move away from outside doors and windows.
- Close window shades and turn off lights.
- Severe Weather Incident:
- Move away from outside windows and doors, as well as large glass objects.
- Avoid being underneath heavier objects that may fall.
- Help direct people with special needs to a safe place, if necessary.
- Terrorist Attack:
- Close and lock all doors and windows.
- Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioner systems.
- Call and check on family members and neighbors.
- General Planning:
- Go inside and stay calm. Make sure all family members and pets are inside.
- Have your emergency supply kit.
- Choose a room in which to shelter. It should be an interior room with few or no windows, doors and vents. If possible, choose a room with a water supply.
- Stay off the phone. Do not call police, fire or 9-1-1 unless you are reporting a police, fire or medical emergency at your location. Overloaded telephone circuits may keep actual emergency calls from getting through.
- Stay indoors until local officials have given an “all-clear.”