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Run. Hide. Fight.

During an active shooter event, every second of time and every decision you make matters. Being prepared mentally and physically could be the difference between life and death.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) says that you have three choices if an active shooter is in their area. Those choices include running, hiding, and fighting.

If you have an opportunity to run, try to leave without being in the line of sight of a shooter. It’s best to find the nearest exit, leave belongings behind, and evacuate as quickly as possible. When exiting keep your hands visible in case law enforcement is outside. Try to prevent others from entering the area where the shooter is. If law enforcement is not present, move to a safe location and call 9-1-1 immediately.

When you call 9-1-1, keep in mind important details when talking to the phone operator. These details include your location, a description of the shooter, the number of shooters, and, if possible, the number of victims.

If you must hide, do so in an area that is out of the shooter’s view. If you and others find a room to hide in, lock and barricade the entry as quickly as possible. Silence all electronic devices and remain quiet.

If running or hiding is not possible, fighting the active shooter would be your last resort for survival. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter with as much physical aggression as possible. Arm yourself with weapons or items to throw. Finally, remember that controlling the weapon will help you and others better control the situation. Commit to your actions because your life depends on it.

Resources: active-shooter-event-quick-reference-guide_2015.pdf